Eli Lin 依萊

Eli Lin 家中從事訂製服行業自小就將繪畫與創作當成日常的一部分,尤其喜愛利用線條與鮮豔的色彩並將歷史與服裝元素融入作品中。
曾擔任動畫影集分鏡師、台灣漫畫基地的服裝設計課程講師,數度入圍法國安古蘭漫畫新秀與數位漫畫獎,並獲美國 3x3 國際插畫展等獎項。
作品也曾登上《臺北時裝週SS24開幕秀_青•春》、《紐約MoCCA Arts Fest》、《法國安古蘭漫畫節》等國內外展會活動。

2024_「法國安古蘭國際漫畫節」數位漫畫入圍(POP YOUR COMICS )
2023_「法國安古蘭國際漫畫節」數位漫畫入圍(FIBD CHALLENGE )
2022_3x3國際插畫展,Merit winners
2022_「法國安古蘭國際漫畫節」數位漫畫入圍(FIBD CHALLENGE )
2019_「法國安古蘭國際漫畫節」漫畫新秀獎入圍(Young Talent )
2018_「法國安古蘭國際漫畫節」數位漫畫入圍(Digital Challenge)
2017_ 卡通頻道 「飛天小女警時尚設計師大賽」冠軍
2024_受邀參與 MoCCA Arts Festival 2024,美國紐約
2023_ShortBox Comics Fair 線上漫畫展_參與漫畫家
2023_月相計劃 新生代藝術家主題展,陸角銀,台灣台南
2022_台灣漫畫基地-常設展——航向世界 臺漫的發光足跡,台灣台北
2021_SS × d/art企劃展 東方魅力特展,d/art,台灣台北
《話中有画 vol.1 》_共創插畫合作_Wacom
《RHINO LOOP: 0 》展覽 _插畫合作_犀牛盾
《沒問題少女Knot A Problem》_CD專輯插畫_潘子爵(Ruby Pan)
《誠品一日電台 x 誠品十大視角》_誠品書店
《Artists in Taiwan 2022》插畫收錄_Pixiv、蓋亞

Eli Lin is a freelance illustrator and comic artist based in Taiwan.
She grew up in a family involved in custom tailoring, which nurtured her passion for artistic creations.
Her works are characterized by the skillful use of lines and vivid colors, and she specializes in incorporating fashion, costume, and historical elements into her artwork.
In addition to illustration and comics, she has also worked as a storyboard artist for animated series.
Eli has been nominated multiple times for the "Angoulême International Comics Festival" and has received the Merit Award at the 3x3 International Illustration Exhibition.In 2023, she collaborated with Shin Kong Mitsukoshi for a touring exhibition and also took part in the Taipei Fashion Week SS24 opening show as a comic artist, engaging in a cross-disciplinary collaboration with the Taiwanese fashion brand 'oqLiq'.That same year, she was selected for the "2023-2024 Taiwan Comic Artist Residency Program" and traveled to Angoulême, France.
Eli's works have also been showcased at events such as the "Taipei Fashion Week SS24 Opening Show" and the "2024 New York MoCCA Fest," among other domestic and international exhibitions.

Rosetta: Recitative of Time._Gaea Books_2021
Rosetta: Ashes of The Feast._Gaea Books_2022
2024_Angouleme FIBD CHALLENGE Competition, Selected.
2023_Angouleme FIBD CHALLENGE Competition, Selected.
2022_3x3 International Illustration Annual, Merit Winners.
2022_Angouleme FIBD CHALLENGE Competition, Selected.
2019_Angouleme Young Talent Competition, Selected.
2018_Angouleme Digital Challenge, Selected.
2017_Cartoon Network "The Powerpuff Girls" fashion design competition,Winner.
2024_The Taipei Youth in Comics Exhibition
2024_MoCCA Arts Festival 2024. USA, NYC
2024_Angouleme comic Festival. France, Angouleme
2023_Taipei Fashion Week SS24 Opening Show collaborating with oqLiq.
2023_Sixpence Gallery Exhibition
2023_SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI ,"who art you"Exhibition.
2023_”ShortBox Comics Fair “Online Comic Exhibition
2023_Taiwan Comic Base,Permanent Exhibition
2022_Artists in Taiwan 2022
2021_SS × d/art Exhibition
2024_The Taipei Youth in Comics Exhibition - Main Visual Design_Taipei City Government
2024_Main Visual Illustration for The School of Warburg_udn Global
2024_Collaborative Illustration Project with _Wacom
2024_RHINO LOOP: 0" Exhibition - Collaboration with_RHINOSHIELD
2023_Knot A Problem.Album Cover Illustration_Ruby Pan
2023_Collaborative Illustration Project with_Eslite Bookstore
2023_Fountain Magazine 2023.03.ISSUE 34_GACC
2023_Collaborative Illustration Project with_Taiwan Comic Base
2022_Featured in "Artists in Taiwan 2022"_Pixiv、Gaea Books
✉ : [email protected]

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